APPENDIX A: M.A.–Ph.D. Timeline
2. 2013-2018 COHORTS
Year 1 | |
Fall | Spring |
501 Research Methods (M) | 516 Contemporary Theory (M) |
515 Classical Theory (M) | 541 Stat Method in Soc I (M) |
Elective Course | Elective Course |
Elective Course* | Elective Course* |
Proseminar | Proseminar |
Year 2 | |
Fall | Spring |
Stat Methods in Soc II (P) | Second Methods Course (P) |
Elective Course | Elective Course |
Elective Course | Elective Course |
Elective Course* | Elective Course* |
Proseminar | Proseminar |
By March 15: Proposal for QP#1 approved | |
Year 3 | |
Fall | Spring |
Writing Seminar (P) | Elective Course |
Elective Course | Elective Course |
Research Credits | Research Credits |
December 15: Qualifying paper #1 completed and approved | By March 15: Proposal for qualifying paper #2 approved |
Year 4 | |
December 15: Qualifying paper #2 completed and approved | |
Work on the dissertation proposal | |
Writing seminar (second and subsequent enrollment for research credits) | |
Research credits | |
Year 5 And Beyond | |
December 15, Year 5: Dissertation proposal written and successfully defended | |
Research credits, writing and defending the dissertation | |
* Students may elect to take a fourth course. | |
(M) - Specific course required for the M.A. | |
(P) - Specific course required for the Ph.D. |
< Previous Section: Appendix A. M.A.-Ph.D. Timeline 1. 2019 Cohort and Thereafter – the 3-6-9 Plan | Next Section: Appendix B: Guidelines for Graduate Participation in Faculty Recruitment >