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I joined the program through an Open Society Foundation Doctoral Scholarship and received the PhD degree in 2018. In my dissertation, I used an interdisciplinary approach to examine how people experience indeterminate waiting for salient events and how these experiences of uncertainty are impacted by modern institutions. One strand of this research explored alternative ways in which the indeterminate waiting experienced by migrants can be visualized on maps. I presented my research at conferences in the USA: City University of New York, New School for Social Research, Eastern Sociological Society, and Open Society Foundation.

Currently, I teach interdisciplinary courses as a part-time lecturer at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and EPICUR, the European University Alliance. The teaching methods are highly interactive, experiential, and stimulating creativity. My central research and teaching interests span over the areas of uncertainty and temporality, migration, communication of climate change, critical cartography, visual and participatory methods, as well as science communication.