kramerbrandonPostdoctoral Research Associate, Social and Decision Analytics Division, Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, University of Virginia

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Curriculum Vitae

Brandon completed his PhD in 2019. His dissertation, Molecularization at the Intersections: Testosterone, Prostate Cancer and the Construction of Racial Difference, examined the production of racial differences in scientific research and the impact that these practices have on racial disparities in prostate cancer. More generally, in his sole-authored work, Brandon incorporates aspects of medical sociology, science & technology studies and computational social science to explore scientific controversies in biomedical research.

Brandon also works on a number of collaborative projects. Over the course of these collaborations, Brandon has used methods in social neuroscience to test stress reactivity to masculinity threats (published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Psychology of Men and Masculinity); used science & technology studies to critically examine the testosterone literature; and implemented network analysis to evaluate evidence use in policy-making contexts. Currently, Brandon is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in a multidisciplinary lab at the University of Virginia that uses data science to inform evidence-based policymaking on issues related broadly to health, open science, and the communication structures that facilitate social movements.