Core Department Faculty Member
- Zakia Salime
- Associate Professor
- Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005
- Email:
- Office: Davison Hall, 137
- Phone: 848-932-7798
- Curriculum Vitae
Zakia Salime teaches courses in feminist theory, gender, globalization, contemporary social theory, social movements, postcolonial theory. Salime’s book: Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco (Minnesota, 2011) illustrates this interplay of global regimes of rights and local discourses by exploring the spaces of encounters of liberal feminism and Islamism in Morocco. Her co-edited volume Freedom Without Permission: Bodies and Spaces in the Arab Revolutions (Duke, 2016) explores how bodies, subjectivities and memories were constituted and constitutive of sexed and gendered spaces during the North African and Middle Easter Uprisings of 2011. Salime’s current book manuscript explores global extractive modes of governance through the study of land-and-resource-grab in Morocco. The study unpacks the nexus of law, power, gender, and capital through attending to peasant populations' quotidian dealing with the state and its regimes of legality, citizenship, inclusion and exclusion. Salime publications encompass a wide range of interests including urban youth protests and music, Islamophobia, war and racial politics in the U.S.
My current book manuscript Seeing like a Woman: Land and Extractive Governance in Morocco foregrounds peasant women’s own understanding of the social and cultural transformations taking place in the context of intensified land privatization and extractivist governance. I write these stories by centering women’s daily dwelling to unpack the bureaucratic and legal regimes obstructing their access to land, the words through which they grapple with economic and social change, and the desires, hopes, and pain through which they articulate the present and imagine the future. This project documents these hopes and desires as an integral part of the present history of neoliberal encounters. I understand this present history as messy and traversed with antagonistic meanings of value, place, legality, and gender. My ethnographic fieldwork and research help answering a set of questions: What do we learn about neoliberal encounters by listening to un-schooled, dispossessed yet resourceful rural women? What does women’s mobilization against land and resource privatization tell us about the hasty implementation of development projects, and the slow yet daily penetration of ‘rent’, and circulation of multiscalar capital? What do we learn about the state, its ‘verticality’, or ‘effects’ at this juncture of privatization and protests? What kind of legitimation and reconfiguration of political power takes place when women engage with the capitalist penetration of their local community? What kind of power and authority are strengthen and disrupted?
- In the Public Eye:
- Research featured in the New York Times, “In a Fight for land: A Women’s Movement Shakes Morocco.” May 7, 2017.
- Interviewed by the New York Times about the public reception of Moroccan actress in her role as a sex work in controversial movie, “Loubna Abidar, Moroccan Actress, Finds Fame Tinged with Fury.” February, 12, 2016.
- Summary of workshop at the Eliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University in Washington Post, Monkey Cage, “The changing face of women’s political participation in the Middle East”. May 10, 2016.
- Faculty Bookshelf:
- Freedom Without Permission: Bodies and Space in the Arab Revolutions
- Program Areas:
- Culture and Cognition
- Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment
- Global Structures
- Politics and Social Movements