
  • Andrea Barra. "Romance Novels in the Twenty-First Century." (Karen Cerulo, Arlene Stein)
  • Neha Gondal. "With(out) a Little Help from my Siblings: A Cross-National Investigation of the Relationship between Personal Networks and Sibsize." (Eviatar Zerubavel, Deborah Carr, Ann Mische, Thomas Rudel)
  • Shatima Jones. "Expressions of Relatedness: Everyday Talk and Interactions in the Barbershop." (Ann Mische, Patrick Carr, and Ethel Brooks)
  • Yu-Sheng Lin. "From Difference to Consensus: The Keyings and Rekeyings in Public Deliberation." (Ann Mische and Paul McLean)
  • Yu-Sheng Lin. "The Wax and Wane of the Reds: Leadership and Dilemma-Solving in Social Movements." (Ann Mische and Catherine Lee)
  • Maria Malyk. "Are You Positive You are Saying Something Positive? Exploring TONE in Mixed Messages." (Eviatar Zerubave and Ira Cohen)
  • Monique Porow. "An Exploration of the Influence of Household Structure on the Adoption of a Racial Identity Amongst Biracial Individuals." (Richard Williams and Karen Cerulo)
  • Greg Rubin. "Alternative Narratives of 9/11." (Ira Cohen, Catherine Lee)
  • Vikash Singh. "Contentious Subjects of Globalization: Narratives in a North Indian Pilgrimage." (Arlene Stein, Richard William, Benjamin Zablocki)