Fellowship and Assistantships
Fellowships and assistantship typically run from 9/1-6/30 depending in the specifics of your funding package.
Sociology Department Small Grants—Research and Conference Travel
The Department of Sociology has two competitions per year for small grants to support graduate student expenses for research or conference travel. We offer a limited number of grants for amounts up to about $600.
Research grants – These awards are intended to assist graduate students in covering the costs incurred in conducting their research. Budgeted items may include costs such as transcription, software not available in the department computer lab, payment to research subjects, printing costs for surveys, travel to research sites, special training seminars, etc. These grants do NOT fund equipment purchases.
Conference travel grants – These awards are intended to assist in covering the costs incurred in traveling to a professional conference to present your research. Grants may be used to cover expenses for conference registration, transportation, lodging, and per diem food costs. You are eligible for a travel grant for presenting your research in a regular paper, roundtable, or poster session although priority will be given to regular paper presentations.
- Requirements: Completed application, description of research/conference, budget justification
- Deadlines:
- Spring 2024 due by May 3rd
- Fall 2024 to be announced
All application materials must be sent to Carissa Meador (