APPENDIX A: M.A.–Ph.D. Timeline

The following timeline of coursework and other requirements for completing the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees is intended to provide more specific guidance for making reasonable progress toward successful completion of the program.  If in doubt about deadlines, information above in section V takes precedence.  Transferring credits may slightly disrupt the schedule indicated below.  The faculty, particularly your advisor, committee members, and the graduate director, should be consulted to obtain the support needed to foster your work and meet the deadlines for reasonable progress.  

Year 1  
 Fall Spring
501 Research Methods (M) 515/516 Theory (M)
541 Stat Method in Soc I (M) 542 Stat Methods in Soc II (P)
Elective Course(s)+  Elective Course(s)+ 
Proseminar Proseminar
Attend colloquia, etc.  Attend colloquia, etc. 
Year 2  
Fall Spring
503 Second Year Paper Seminar (M) 504 Second Year Paper Seminar (M)
Elective Course Second Methods Course (P)
Elective Course Elective Course
Elective Course++ Elective Course++
Proseminar Proseminar 
Attend colloquia, etc.  Attend colloquia, etc. 
By November 15: Proposal for Qualifying Paper 1 (Master's Paper) approved By August 15: Mater's Paper (QP1) defended
Year 3  
Fall Spring
Elective Course Elective Course
Elective Course Elective Course
Research Credits Research Credits
By November 15: Proposal for Second Qualifying Paper (QP2) approved  
Year 4  
By November 15: Second Qualifying Paper defended
Work on the dissertation proposal
Writing seminar (enrollment for research credits)
Research credits  
Year 5   
By November 15: Dissertation proposal written and successfully defended
Research credits, writing and defending the dissertation
Year 6 
By August 15: Dissertation successfully defended
+ Students may elect to take a fourth course.
++  Students who are TA’ing in Year 2 may decide to take only one elective instead of two.
(M) - Specific course required for the M.A.
(P) - Specific course required for the Ph.D.


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