A. Protection of Human Subjects in Research

All members of the University community who conduct research with human beings as subjects must conform to procedures prescribed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These procedures include the review of the project by a University Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research. All information about the Protection of Human Subjects in Research and applications for the review of research with human subjects by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is available at the webpage for the Human Subjects Protection Program.  

The University takes this requirement very seriously.  A Ph.D. may not be awarded if a dissertation is based upon research that did not receive IRB approval. IRB review is also required for any original research involving human subjects conducted for courses or qualifying papers.


B. Readmission or Restoration of Active Status

Students who interrupted their graduate registration without receiving a PhD degree must apply for readmission.  The student must complete the application for readmission available on the webpage of the School of Graduate Studies. Before reapplying, individuals must: (1) meet with the Graduate Program Director, (2) find a faculty member willing to serve as their advisor and (3) assemble a dissertation committee, depending on their progress in the program. This form must be approved by the Graduate Program Director (and for international students by the Center for Global Services) before it is submitted to the Graduate School. Upon readmission, a restorative fee of one credit of tuition at the current in-state rate for each term lapsed (up to five terms) is charged for students who were ABD when they left the program. One may request a waiver of the fee if one can demonstrate extreme hardship or severe temporary disability. 


C. Matriculation Continued Status

If circumstances arise that make it impossible for a student who is not yet ABD to be actively involved in either coursework or research, they may register for Matriculation Continued with the approval of the Graduate Program Director. The student is charged a fee for this registration status which carries zero credits. Registering as MC keeps the individual as an active student who does not have to apply for readmission upon returning to their work toward their degree.  A student can register for as MC for a maximum of two (contiguous) semesters.  Situations may arise where the Graduate Program Director, in consultation with the student’s advisor and faculty, adds conditions regarding the student’s eligibility for continuing in the program. 


D. Requirements for Full-time Registration Status, and Prohibition of Part-time Status

Before a student is ABD, they must register for at least 9 credits to be considered a full-time student.  After a student is admitted to candidacy (i.e., they are ABD), they are considered a full-time if they are registered for one research credit.  Students are not permitted to be registered part-time in our Ph.D. program.


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